Neurodegenerative disease
Jun 2024
mRNA Vaccine for Alzheimer’s Disease: Pilot Study
Armine Hovakimyan, Garri Chilingaryan, Olga King, Joia Kai Capocchi, Jean Paul Chadarevian, Hayk Davtyan, Roman Kniazev, Michael G. Agadjanyan,* and Anahit Ghochikyan
Jun 2023
Novel Vaccine against Pathological Pyroglutamate-Modified Amyloid Beta for Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease
Karen Zagorski, Olga King, Armine Hovakimyan, Irina Petrushina, Tatevik Antonyan, Gor Chailyan, Manush Ghazaryan, Krzysztof L Hyrc, Jean Paul Chadarevian, Hayk Davtyan, Mathew Blurton-Jones, David H Cribbs, Michael G Agadjanyan, Anahit Ghochikyan
PubMed (2022)
Dec 2022
MultiTEP-based conjugated vaccines targeting various phosphorylated tau epitopes are immunogenic and effective in the PS19 mouse model
Karen Zagorski, Olga King, Armine Hovakimyan, Tatevik Antonyan, Gor Chailyan, Manush Ghazaryan, Irina Petrushina, David H. Cribbs, Hayk Davtyan, Mathew Blurton-Jones, Anahit Ghochikyan, Michael G Agadjanyan
Alzheimer's Association (2022)
Nov 2022
Immunogenicity of MultiTEP platform technology-based Tau vaccine in non-human primates
Armine Hovakimyan, Karen Zagorski, Gor Chailyan, Tatevik Antonyan, Levon Melikyan, Irina Petrushina, Dash G. Batt, Olga King, Manush Ghazaryan, Aashrit Donthi, Caitlynn Foose, Nikolai Petrovsky, David H. Cribbs, Michael G. Agadjanyan & Anahit Ghochikyan 
npj Vaccines (2022)
May 2022
Immunogenicity of MultiTEP-Platform-Based Recombinant Protein Vaccine, PV-1950R, Targeting Three B-Cell Antigenic Determinants of Pathological α-Synuclein
Karen Zagorski , Gor Chailyan , Armine Hovakimyan , Tatevik Antonyan , Sepideh Kiani Shabestari , Irina Petrushina , Hayk Davtyan , David H Cribbs , Mathew Blurton-Jones , Eliezer Masliah , Michael G Agadjanyan , Anahit Ghochikyan
PubMed (2022)
Jan 2022
Efficacy and immunogenicity of MultiTEP-based DNA vaccines targeting human α-synuclein: prelude for IND enabling studies
Changyoun Kim, Armine Hovakimyan, Karen Zagorski, Tatevik Antonyan, Irina Petrushina, Hayk Davtyan, Gor Chailyan, Jonathan Hasselmann, Michiyo Iba, Anthony Adame, Edward Rockenstein, Marcell Szabo, Mathew Blurton-Jones, David H. Cribbs, Anahit Ghochikyan, Eliezer Masliah & Michael G. Agadjanyan
npj Vaccines volume (2022)
Feb 2020
Characterization and preclinical evaluation of the cGMP grade DNA based vaccine, AV-1959D to enter the first-in-men clinical trials
Petrushina I, Hovakimyan A, Harahap-Carillo I, Davtyan H, Antonyan T, Chailyan G, Kazarian K, Antonenko M,Julienne A,Hamer MM, Obenaus A, King O, Zagorski K, Blurton-Jones M, Cribbs DH, Lander H, Ghochikyan A, Agadjanyan MG.
Feb 2020
Active immunization with tau epitope in a mouse model of tauopathy induced a strong antibody response together with improvement in short memory and pSer396-tau pathology
Joly-Amado A, Davtyan H, Serraneau K, Jules P, Zitnyar A, Pressman E, Zagorski K, Antonyan T, Hovakimyan A, Paek HJ, Gordon M.N, Cribbs D.H, Petrovsky N, Agadjanyan M.G, Ghochikyan A, Morgan D
Dec 2019
Testing a MultiTEP-based combination vaccine to reduce Aβ and tau pathology in Tau22/5xFAD bigenic mice
Davtyan H, Hovakimyan A, Kiani Shabestari S, Antonyan T, Coburn MA, Zagorski K, Chailyan G, Petrushina I, Svystun O, Danhash E, Petrovsky N, Cribbs DH, Agadjanyan MG, Blurton-Jones M, Ghochikyan A.
Oct 2019
A MultiTEP platform-based epitope vaccine targeting the phosphatase activating domain (PAD) of tau: therapeutic efficacy in PS19 mice
Hovakimyan A, Antonyan T, Shabestari SK, Svystun O, Chailyan G, Coburn MA, Carlen-Jones W, Petrushina I, Chadarevian JP, Zagorski K, Petrovsky N, Cribbs DH, , Agadjanyan MG, Ghochikyan A,Davtyan H.
Nov 2017
MultiTEP platform-based DNA vaccines for alpha-synucleinopathies: preclinical evaluation of immunogenicity and therapeutic potency
Davtyan H, Zagorski K, Petrushina I, Kazarian K, Goldberg NRS, Petrosyan J, Blurton-Jones M, Masliah E, Cribbs DH, Agadjanyan MG, Ghochikyan A.
May 2017
Humanized monoclonal antibody armanezumab specific to N-terminus of pathological tau: characterization and therapeutic potency
Agadjanyan MG, Zagorski K, Petrushina I, Davtyan H, Kazarian K, Antonenko M, Davis J, Bon C, Blurton-Jones M, Cribbs DH, Ghochikyan A.
Apr 2017
MultiTEP platform-based DNA epitope vaccine targeting N-terminus of tau induces strong immune responses and reduces tau pathology in THY-Tau22 mice
Davtyan H., Chen W.W., Zagorsky K., Davis J., Petrushina I., Kazarian K., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G., Blurton-Jones M., Ghochikyan A.
Jan 2017
Comparison of Efficacy of Preventive and Therapeutic Vaccines Targeting the N Terminus of β-Amyloid in an Animal Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Petrushina I., Davtyan H., Hovakimyan A., Davtyan A., Passos G.F., Cribbs D.H., Ghochikyan A., Agadjanyan M.G.
Jul 2016
Alzheimer’s disease AdvaxCpG- adjuvanted MultiTEP-based dual and single vaccines induce high-titer antibodies against various forms of tau and Aβ pathological molecules
Davtyan H., Zagorski K., Rajapaksha H., Hovakimyan A., DavtyanA., PetrushinaI., Kazarian K., Cribbs D.H., Petrovsky N., Agadjanyan M.G., GhochikyanA.
Oct 2015
 A fresh perspective from immunologists and vaccine researchers: Active vaccination strategies to prevent and reverse Alzheimer's disease
Agadjanyan MG, Petrovsky N, Ghochikyan A.
Dec 2014
A dual vaccine against influenza & Alzheimer's disease failed to enhance anti-β-amyloid antibody responses in mice with pre-existing virus specific memory.
Davtyan H, Ghochikyan A, Hovakimyan A, Davtyan A, Cadagan R, Marleau AM, Albrecht RA, García-Sastre A, Agadjanyan MG.
Nov 2014
 Targeting TLR-4 with a novel pharmaceutical grade plant derived agonist, Immunomax®, as a therapeutic strategy for metastatic breast cancer
Ghochikyan A, Pichugin A, Bagaev A, Davtyan A, Hovakimyan A, Tukhvatulin A, Davtyan H, Shcheblyakov D, Logunov D, Chulkina M, Savilova A, Trofimov D, Nelson EL, Agadjanyan MG, Ataullakhanov RI.
BTX AgilePulseMT System is an Effective Electroporation Device for Intramuscular and Intradermal Delivery of DNA Vaccine
Davtyan H, Hovakimyan A., Zagorski K., Davtyan A., Petrushina I., Agdashian D., Murthy V., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G., Ghochikyan A
 Immunotherapy for Alzheimer's disease: DNA- and protein-based epitope vaccines
Davtyan H, Petrushina I, Ghochikyan A.
May 2014
MultiTEP platform-based AD epitope vaccine activates broad repertoire of T helper cells in non-human primates
Davtyan H, Ghochikyan A, Petrushina I., Hovakimyan A., Davtyan A., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G.
Mar 2014
Immunostimulant patches containing Escherichia coli LT enhance immune responses to DNA- and recombinant protein-based Alzheimer's disease vaccines
Davtyan H., Ghochikyan A., Hovakimyan A., Petrushina I., Yu J., Flyer D., Madsen P.J., Pedersen L.O., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G.
Feb 2014
Immunogenicity of DNA- and recombinant protein-based Alzheimer Disease Epitope Vaccines. Hum Vaccin Immunother
Davtyan H., Bacon A., Petrushina I., Zagorski K., Cribbs D.H., Ghochikyan A., Agadjanyan M.G.
Feb 2014
 Immunogenicity of epitope vaccines targeting different B cell antigenic determinants of human α-synuclein: Feasibility study
Ghochikyan A., Petrushina I., Davtyan H., Hovakimyan A., Saing T., Davtyan A., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G.
May 2014
Epitope-based DNA vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease: translational study in macaques
Evans C.F., Davtyan H, Petrushina I., Hovakimyan A., Davtyan A., Hannaman D., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G., Ghochikyan A.
Mar 2013
Immunogenicity, Efficacy, Safety, and Mechanism of Action of Epitope Vaccine (Lu AF20513) for Alzheimer’s Disease: Prelude to a Clinical Trial
Davtyan, H., Ghochikyan, A., Petrushina,I., Hovakimyan, A., Davtyan, A., Poghosyan, A., Marleau, A.M., Movsesyan, N., Kiyatkin, A., Rasool, S., Larsen, S.A., Madsen, P.J., Wegener, K.M., Ditlevsen, D.K., Cribbs, D.H., Pedersen, L.O., Agadjanyan, M.G.
Feb 2013
Refinement of a DNA based Alzheimer’s disease epitope vaccine in rabbits, Hum Vaccin Immunother
Ghochikyan A., Davtyan H., Petrushina, I, Hovakimyan, A., Movsesyan, N., Davtyan, A., Kiyatkin, A., Cribbs, D.H., Agadjanyan, M.G.
Aug 2011
 The immunological potency and therapeutic potential of a prototype dual vaccine against influenza and Alzheimer's disease
Davtyan H, Ghochikyan A, Cadagan R, Zamarin D, Petrushina I, Movsesyan N, Martinez-Sobrido L, Albrecht RA, García-Sastre A, Agadjanyan MG. 
Cancer-testis antigen, BORIS based vaccine delivered by dendritic cells is extremely effective against a very aggressive and highly metastatic mouse mammary carcinoma
Mkrtichyan M, Ghochikyan A, Davtyan H, Movsesyan N, Loukinov D, Lobanenkov V, Cribbs DH, Laust AK, Nelson EL, Agadjanyan MG.
Nov-Dec 2010
Restricted V gene usage and VH/VL pairing of mouse humoral response against the N-terminal immunodominant epitope of the amyloid β peptide
Robert R, Lefranc MP, Ghochikyan A,Agadjanyan MG, Cribbs DH, Van Nostrand WE, Wark KL, Dolezal O.
Low concentrations of anti-Abeta antibodies generated in Tg2576 mice by DNA epitope vaccine fused with 3C3d molecular adjuvant do not affect AD pathology
Movsesyan N, Davtyan H, Mkrtichyan M, Petrushina I, Tiraturyan T, Ross TM, Agadjanyan MG, Ghochikyan A, Cribbs DH.
Feb 2010
DNA prime/protein boost increased the titer, avidity and persistence of anti-Ab antibodies in wild-type mice
Davtyan H., Mkrtichyan M., Movsesyan N., Petrushina I., Mamikonyan G., Cribbs DH., Agadjanyan MG., Ghochikyan A.
Apr 2009
Rationale for peptide and DNA based epitope vaccines for Alzheimer's disease immunotherapy
Ghochikyan A.
Sep 2008
Mannan-Ab28 conjugate prevented Ab-plaque deposition, but increased microhemorrhages in the brains of vaccinated Tg2576 (APPsw) mice
Petrushina I., Ghochikyan A., Mkrtichyan M., Mamikonyan G., Movsesyan G., Ajdari R., Vasilevko V.,Karapetyan A., Lees A., Agadjanyan MG, Cribbs DH.
May 2008
Reducing AD-like pathology in 3xTg-AD mouse model by DNA epitope vaccine - a novel immunotherapeutic strategy
Reducing AD-like pathology in 3xTg-AD mouse model by DNA epitope vaccine - a novel immunotherapeutic strategy
Jan 2008
Immunostimulant adjuvant patch enhances humoral and cellular immune responses to DNA immunization
Mkrtichyan M, Ghochikyan A, Movsesyan N, Karapetyan A, Begoyan G, Yu J, Glenn GM, Ross TM, Agadjanyan MG, Cribbs DH.
Nov 2007
Alzheimer's disease peptide epitope vaccine reduces insoluble but not soluble/oligomeric Abeta species in amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice
Petrushina I, Ghochikyan A, Mktrichyan M, Mamikonyan G, Movsesyan N, Davtyan H, Patel A, Head E, Cribbs DH, Agadjanyan MG.
Anti-Abeta 1-11 antibody binds to different beta-amyloid species, inhibits fibril formation, and disaggregates preformed fibrils, but not the most toxic oligomers
Mamikonyan G, Necula M, Mkrtichyan M, Ghochikyan A, Petrushina I, Movsesyan N, Mina E, Kiyatkin A, Glabe C, Cribbs DH, Agadjanyan MG.
 Abeta-immunotherapy for Alzheimer's disease using mannan-amyloid-Beta peptide immunoconjugates 2006
Ghochikyan, A., Petrushina, I., Lees, A., Vasilevko, V., Movsesyan, N., Karapetyan, A., Agadjanyan,M.G., Cribbs, D.H.
Prototype Alzheimer's disease epitope vaccine induced strong Th2-type anti-Abeta antibody response with Alum to Quil A adjuvant switch.
Ghochikyan A., Mkrtichyan M., Petrushina I., Movsesyan N., Karapetyan A., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G.
Prototype Alzheimer's disease vaccine utilizing the immunodominant B cell epitope from beta-amyloid and promiscuous T cell epitope PADRE
Agadjanyan M.G., Ghochikyan A., Petrushina I.. Vasilevko V., Movsesyan N., Mkrtichyan M., Saing T., Cribbs D.H.
Mimotopes of conformational epitopes in fibrillar beta-amyloid.
Gevorkian G., Petrushina I., Manucharian K., Ghochikyan A., Acero G., Vasilevko V., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G.
Generation and characterization of the humoral immune response to DNA immunization with a chimeric β-amyloid-Interleukin-4 minigene
Ghochikyan A., Vasilevko V., Petrushina I., Movsesyan N., Babikyan D., Tian W., Sadzikava N., Ross T., Head L., Cribbs D. & Agadjanyan M.
Prototype Alzheimer's disease vaccine utilizing the immunodominant B cell epitope from beta-amyloid and promiscuous T cell epitope PADRE
Agadjanyan M.G., Ghochikyan A., Petrushina I.. Vasilevko V., Movsesyan N., Mkrtichyan M., Saing T., Cribbs D.H.
Adjuvant-dependent modulation of Th1 and Th2 responses to immunization with β-amyloid
Cribbs, D.H., Ghochikyan A., Vasilevko, V., Tran, M., Petrushina, I., Sadzikava, N., Babikyan D., Kieber-Emmons,T., Agadjanyan, M.G. 
Importance of detection of murine IgG2c antibodies in APP/Tg 2576 mice immunized with human β-amyloid peptide
Petrushina I., Tran M., Sadzikava N., Ghochikyan A.,Vasilevko V., Cribbs H.D, and Agadjanyan G.M.
Conference presentations
Zagorski K, King O, Hovakimyan A, Antonyan T, Petrushina I, Chadarevian JP, Danhash E, Cribbs DH, Davtyan H, Blurton-Jones M, Agadjanyan MG,Ghochikyan A. The first MultiTEP-based conjugated vaccine targeting pyroglutamated pE3Aβ is immunogenic and effective in 5xFAD animal model. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), Denver, USA, July 26-30, 2021.
Chailyan G, Hovakimyan A,Antonyan T, Shabestari SK, Petrushina I, Coburn MA, Cribbs DH, Blum D, Buee L, Blurton-Jones M, Agadjanyan MG, Ghochikyan A, Davtyan H. A MultiTEP platform-based epitope vaccine targeting the phosphatase activating domain (PAD) of Tau: therapeutic efficacy in PS19. 14th​ International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases and related neurological disorders (AD/PD), 2019, March26-31, Lisbon, Portugal.
Ghochikyan A, Davtyan H, Chailyan G, Hovakimyan A,Coburn MA, Petrushina I, Shabestari SK, Antonyan T, Blum D, Buée L, Cribbs DH, Blurton-Jones M, Agadjanyan MG. Alzheimer’s disease AdvaxCpG-adjuvanted MultiTEP-based vaccines reduce Ab and tau pathology in double transgenic mice. 14th​ International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases and related neurological disorders (AD/PD), 2019, March26-31, Lisbon, Portugal.
Ghochikyan A. Immunotherapeutic strategies for Alzheimer’s disease: targeting N-terminus of pathological tau.Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT) Alzheimer’s Disease Conference 2018. Los Angeles, April 13-15, 2018.
Agadjanyan M.G., Petrovsky N., Ghochikyan A. Preventive Immunotherapy Strategy: Combining Aβ vaccine with adjuvants inducing pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory immune responses. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), London, July 16-20, 2017.
Ghochikyan A., Zagorski K., Kazarian K., Davtyan H., Petrushina I., Davis J., Chen W., Antonenko M., Blurton-Jones M., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G. Humanized mAb, Armanezumab targeting N-terminus of pathological tau: characterization and therapeutic potency. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), Toronto, Canada, July 24-28, 2016.
Amado A.J. Davtyan H., Serraneau K., Zagorski K., Gordon M. N., Cribbs D.H. Ghochikyan A., Petrovsky N., Agadjanyan M. G., Morgan D.Active immunization with highly immunogenic tau epitope induced a strong immune response together with improvement in short memory but failed to significantly reduce tau pathology in a mouse model of tauopathy. Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, October 17-21, 2015.
Davtyan H., Petrushina I., Evans C.F., Hovakimyan A., Davtyan A., Hannaman D., Cribbs D.H., Ghochikyan A., Agadjanyan M.G. MultiTEP platform based AD vaccine immunogenic in rabbits and monkeys. Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease (CTAD), San Diego, CA, November 14-16, 2013.
Ghochikyan A., Davtyan H., Petrushina I., Hovakimyan A., Davtyan A., Movsesyan N., Kiyatkin A., Hannaman D., Evans C.F., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G. Refinement of Alzheimer’s Disease DNA-based epitope vaccine: broad coverage of MHC polymorphism and targeting pre-existing memory T cells. 11th International Conference AD/PD, Florence, Italy, March 6-10, 2013.
Davtyan A., Ghochikyan A., Hovakimyan A., Davtyan H., Poghosyan A., Bagaev A., Ataullakhanov R.I., Nelson E.L., Agadjanyan M.G. Primary breast 4T1 tumor resection model for the testing for anti-cancer therapeutics. X Immunology Fair, UCI, Irvine, CA, November 15-16, 2012.
Davtyan H., Ghochikyan A., Petrushina I., Hovakimyan A., MovsesyanN., Kiyatkin A., Evans C., Hannaman D., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G. Translational study: refinement of DNA based Alzheimer's disease (AD) epitope vaccine in rabbits. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), Vancouver, Canada, July 14-19, 2012.
Davtyan H., Ghochikyan A., Petrushina I., Hovakimyan A., Davtyan A., Poghosyan A., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G. Multiple approaches to immunotherapy against Alzheimer’s disease. "Brain Waves" Alz Symposium, Santa Barbara, April 19, 2012.
Davtyan H., Ghochikyan A., Albrecht R.A., MovsesyanN., Petrushina I., CribbsD.H., García-Sastre A., Agadjanyan M.G. The novel strategy for generation of effctive and safe Alzheimer's disease vaccine based on conventional Influenza virus vaccine modified to express Aβ1-10. 10th International Conference AD/PD, Barcelona, Spain, March 6-10, 2011.
Davtyan H., Mkrtichyan M., Movsesyan N., Petrushina I., Mamikonyan G., Cribbs D.H. Agadjanyan M.G., Ghochikyan A. Improvement of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) DNA vaccine efficacy by DNA prime/protein boost regimen in mice and rabbitsDNA Vaccine International Conference. New Orleans, USA, March 2-4, 2010.
Mkrtichyan M., Khlghatyan J., Loukinov D., Movsesyan N., Davtyan H., Ghochikyan A. Agadjanyan M.G. DNA vaccine based on cancer-testis antigen, BORIS and IL21 molecular adjuvant is extremely effective for treatment of metastatic disease. DNA Vaccine International Conference. New Orleans, USA, March 2-4, 2010.
Ghochikyan A., Davtyan H., Movsesyan N., Mkrtichyan M., Petrushina I., Cribbs D.H., Agadjanyan M.G. Induction of rapid and robust anti-Aβ antibody production by reactivation of pre-existing memory Th cells generated from conventional vaccines. Presentation on the International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease. Vienna, Austria, July 11-16, 2009.
Ghochikyan, A., PhD, Davtyan, H., PhD, Movsesyan, N., PhD, Mkrtichyan, M., PhD; Petrushina, I. Ph.D., Cribbs, D. H., PhD., Agadjanyan, M.G., PhD. Third  generation epitope vaccine (EV): A new Strategy for Ab immunotherapy. 9th International Conference AD/PD, Prague, Czech Republic, March 11-15, 2009.
Ghochikyan A., Martinez L., Movsesyan N., Mkrtichyan M., Petrushina I., Davtyan H., Cribbs D.H., García-Sastre A., Agadjanyan M.G.The novel strategy for generation of effective and safe Alzheimer’s Disease vaccine based on conventional influenza virus vaccine modified to express Aβ1-11. International Conference on Prevention of Dementia. Chicago, IL, 2008.
Ghochikyan, A., Movsesyan, N., Mkrtichyan, M., Petrushina, I., Arya Biragyn, Cribbs, D. H., Agadjanyan, M.G. DNA epitope vaccine prevents AD like pathology in 3xTg-AD mice and protects them from cognitive decline. International Conference on Prevention of Dementia. Washington, DC, June 9-12, 2007.
Ghochikyan, A., Movsesyan, N., Mkrtichyan, M., Petrushina, I., Biragyn, A., Cribbs, D. H., Agadjanyan, M.G. DNA epitope vaccine induced strong anti-Ab antibodies inhibiting AD like pathology in 3xTg-AD mice and protecting them from cognitive decline. 8th International Conference AD/PD, Salzburg, Austria, March 14-18, 2007.
Ghochikyan A., Movsesyan N., Mkrtichyan M., Mamikonyan G., Petrushina I., Cribbs, D. H., Agadjanyan, M.G. DNA-based AD epitope vaccine induced therapeutically potent anti-Ab antibodies in AD mouse model. Presentation on the 10th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders. Madrid, Spain, July 14-21, 2006.
Ghochikyan A.,Petrushina I., Vasilevko V., Movsesyan N., Mkrtichyan M., Oddo S., LaFerla F., Cribbs D. H., Agadjanyan M. G. Peptide epitope vaccine for A immunotherapy. Presentation on the 10th National Symposium: Basic Aspects of Vaccines. Bethesda, April 28-30, 2004.
Cribbs D., Lees A., Vasilevko V., Ghochikyan A., Petrushina I., Movsesyan N., Agadjanyan M. Alternative strategies for Aβ Immunotherapy using Active Immunization.12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Conference on FOCIS.
Cribbs D.H., Lees A., Ghochikyan A., Vasilevko V., Petrushina I., Babikyan D., Movsesyan N., Tran M., DeVolger A. and Agadjanyan M.G. Mannan as a Molecular Adjuvant for Ab- Immunotherapy. Publication of the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Progress in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease AP / DP (Seville, Spain, May 8-12, 2003).
Ghochikyan A.,Petrushina I., Vasilevko V., Movsesyan N., Mkrtichyan M., Oddo S., LaFerla F., Cribbs D. H., Agadjanyan M. G. Peptide epitope vaccine for A immunotherapy. Presentation on the 10th National Symposium: Basic Aspects of Vaccines. Bethesda, April 28-30, 2004.
Gevorkian G., Petrushina I., Ghochikyan A., Manoutcharian K.G., Acero G., Cribbs D.H., and Agadjanyan M.G. Anti-Aβ polyclonal sera from wildtype mice recognized predominantly EFRH epitope. Publication of the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Progress in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease AP/DP (Seville, Spain,May 8-12, 2003).
Vasilevko, V., Tran, M., Petrushina, I., Ghochikyan, A., Kieber-Emmons, T., Agadjanyan, M.G., Cribbs, D.H. The role of adjuvant in the humoral and cellular immune responses to immunization with β-amyloid. Presentation on the 8th National Symposium: Basic Aspects of Vaccines. Bethesda, May 1-3, 2002
Ghochikyan, A., Petrushina, I., Tran, M., Sadzikava, N., Vasilevko, V., Cribbs, D.H., and Agadjanyan, M.G. Immunization of wildtype and APP/Tg animals with fibrillar Aβ42 induces antibodies to conformational antigenic determinants. Presentation on the Eighth National Symposium: Basic Aspects of Vaccines. Bethesda, May 1-3, 2002.
Ghochikyan, A.,  Cribbs, D.H., Agadjanyan, M.G. Different approaches to the development of vaccine against animal model of Alzhimer’s disease. Presentation on the 8th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders.Stockholm, Sweden, 2002.
Cribbs, D.H., Ghochikyan, A., Tran, M., Vasilevko, V., Petrushina, I., Sadzikava, N., Patrick Kesslak, Kieber-Emmons, T., Agadjanyan, M.G. Detection of conformational antigenic determinant in wildtype & APP/TG mice immunized with Aβ42 peptide. Presentation on the 8th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders.Stockholm, Sweden, 2002.